Other actors in organic sector

There are many expert organisations and authorities operating in the organic sector in Finland.

Finnish Organic Research Institute

Finnish Organic Research Institute FORI (Luomuinstituutti) is a multidisciplinary research organization. The Finnish Organic Research Institute’s expert network operates under the University of Helsinki and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke. FORI promotes organic food production and consumption throughout the Finnish food chain by the means of research, science communication, education and development projects.

Finnish Organic Association

The Finnish Organic Association (Luomuliitto) is an interest group representing organic farmers and a member of Pro Luomu. The members are 13 local organic associations and private individuals, other associations and business organisations.


EkoCentria is a development unit that functions within the Savo Consortium for Education. EkoCentria´s target is to promote sustainable food chain with projects and development services. EkoCentria acts in the food chain especially for development of sustainable choices of professional kitchens.

Finnish Food Safety Authority

Organic control body in Finland is the Finnish Food Safety Authority (Ruokavirasto). Ruokavirasto steers organic control and the local Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment carry out the monitoring duties.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Finland aims to increase organically cultivated area to 25% of all cultivated land and to increase the market share of organic products to five percent by 2030. These objectives among others have been documented in the Organic 2.0 – Finland’s National Programme for Organic Production 2030 drafted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

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